Pricing Request
- Secure online exams
- User-friendly interface
- Zero hidden costs
Be part of the change
Schedule an intro with one of our experts to learn more about the platform.
What's included?
Platform License
- Full Platform Features
- Continuous Releases
- Auto-updates
- Maintenance
- Data Hosting
- Service Level Agreement
- Support (Chat + Knowledge Center)
- LTI-integration
- Student Users
- Staff Users
- Unlimited Number of Exams/Tests
- Dedicated Customer Success
- Implementation
- Onboarding Plan
- Success Plan
What our customers say
Even though we are a customer, we are in some ways in debt to Digiexam because we’ve saved some of our teachers many, many hours. Digiexam is a tool that helps teachers do their job more efficiently.

Eric Oest Toronto Prep School

Digiexam enabled the CATS University Foundation Programme to be completely assessed online during the pandemic. The ease of use of the platform for our examiners and students has given us the confidence to continue to assess online.

Craig Wilson CATS Global Schools
As the University continues to pursue a remote assessment strategy for all courses, confidence in the systems we use to support exam integrity is vital.

Maggie Gibson Birmingham City University